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Hellfire Lounge Sweatshirt

Hellfire Lounge Sweatshirt

Regular price $48.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $48.00 USD
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Color: Black

The AGM-114 R-9X is a Hellfire variant with a kinetic warhead with pop-out blades instead of explosives, used against specific human targets. Its lethality is due to 100 lb (45 kg) of dense material with six blades flying at high speed, to crush and cut the targeted person—the R-9X has also been referred to as the "Ninja Missile" and "Flying Ginsu". It is intended to reduce collateral damage when targeting specific people.


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Disclaimer: The characters depicted in our merchandise merely represent fictional objects with absolutely no reference to the United States Armed Forces. Any attempt to claim reference of these characters in relation to service members is false and otherwise misleading. 

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